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March 21, 2014

Having Faith to Dance

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Having Faith to Dance
My name is Amanda. I am fourteen and I am an Irish dancer along with my three little sisters, Leslie, Alison, and Olivia. I love to dance because I love the steps, the movement and rhythm, and I love the music. I also like how our costumes are always modest.
A few months ago my sisters and I went to a regional competition in Sacramento, California. I was competing in a solo competition, and I was really scared because I was going to be going up against girls who were world champions. I worked really hard in class and at practice so that I could do my best.
 I also prayed a lot so that I could be comforted and not feel so scared. The day of the competition I prayed to God and immediately I felt better and more relaxed, and was able to dance my best.
Even though I didn’t win, I danced well and remembered my steps and what I had practiced because I had faith that Heavenly Father would help me through it. I know that if you have faith in Heavenly Father you can do anything “For with God, nothing shall be impossible.”   (Luke 1:37)

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