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February 3, 2019

“Silly Kid, You Already Know” by: Jeremy McLerran

Filed under: Book of Mormon Personal Testimonies,Uncategorized — admin @ 5:23 pm

It always seemed perplexing to me that people needed to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon, I’ve always known it was true.  I read it cover to cover for the first time when I was 10 years old, and thoroughly enjoyed the stories. It was like the very best action movie mixed with intense drama, with powerful steadfast personalities like Nephi, Abinidi, Alma, and Moroni.  It was easily my favorite book, and I never doubted it’s veracity.  
As I grew older I heard people more and more talking about how “they didn’t know it was true until they prayed and asked Heavenly Father…” and as they talked about the spiritual confirmation they received I wondered if I was missing something. Was there some giant heavenly manifestation I could get if I got down on my knees and asked to know if the Book of Mormon was true? I felt silly doing it, because in my heart I already knew it was true. It was more than faith, it felt like actual knowledge, but to illuminate any possibility of “missing out“ on something bigger, I wandered into the woods near our church building, picking a spot that I knew I wouldn’t be disturbed I knelt down and poured out my 13 year old heart to my Heavenly Father.  The answer was almost immediate.  It was as though He was saying “You feel silly right now, don’t you? You already know these things are true, you’ve always known. Other people might struggle with their faith, but I have given you knowledge and you don’t need to ask ever again.” I walked out of those woods satisfied and calm.  I didn’t need some burning bush or pillar of light. I didn’t even need a warm feeling in my heart. I had something that most other people needed to work for, and it has guided my life ever since.  

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