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September 25, 2014

Filed under: Visiting Teaching — admin @ 2:17 am


by Lorrie Lou Stark

I have a testimony of visiting teaching and know that it is an inspired program from the Lord.

My family’s life was blessed by Relief Society Visiting Teaching Service when I nearly died from a ruptured appendix. My husband had the help he needed with home and meals and children while he “held down the fort” until I recovered.  Throughout many “Life Events”, RS has been there for me.  I know that I am not alone, and am so grateful for the “sisterhood” of RS that helped in “bearing one another’s burdens” and also sharing in the many joys of life.

My family’s lives have been improved by the homemaking skills I learned in Relief Society.

My life as a Visiting Teacher has been blessed through my prayerful preparation of the messages* and in seeking inspiration on how to serve “my sister.” I like to think of these as my “Mary” times (instead of “Martha.”)

As a “teachee” I truly appreciate the sweet spirit that my visiting teachers share. I learn a different interpretation of the message from them, thus learning much.

Especially important to me are the gifts of sharing with a visiting teaching companion. Over the years with many companions I have grown and matured spiritually and socially. I have learned proper etiquette in relationships. Having patience, love and understanding is a blessing when associating with so many personalities. Each daughter of God has her own attitudes which makes her special. Learning to respect the differences helps me to grow and mature.

Visiting teaching has truly enriched my life.

*Visiting Teaching is a part of the Relief Society organization. Each month a message is published in the LDS Church magazine, The Ensign. This message is delivered to each sister by an assigned pair of visiting teachers. 

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