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December 31, 2013

A Masterpiece one brushstroke at a time for 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ryan Best @ 4:43 pm
During the week of Christmas Linda and I went to the Sacred Gifts exhibit at the BYU Museum of Art.  I must say that you do not want to miss this exhibit.  You need a ticket to attend the exhibit, but they are free at  The exhibit features the work of 3 late 19th Century artists, Carl Bloch, Heinrich Hoffman, and Frans Schwartz.  Their work is exquisite and inspiring.  The thing that impressed me was that based on their work it is obvious that each man had a deep and abiding love for Jesus Christ.  I am grateful that they devoted their lives  and talents to helping others come closer to Christ.  It also made me wonder what talent or gift could I share that would help and inspire others to come unto Christ.  Since I don’t have the kind of talent that these men possessed I have concluded that the only offering I have is the way I live my life.  Living a life that points others to Christ is similar to painting a masterpiece.  You do it one brushstroke at a time – that is one act of kindness or one good deed at a time.  Our paintings may not be perfect – there will be mistakes along the way, but these can be corrected by properly placed brush strokes – just like master artists do.  I hope my life can become a “Sacred Gift” that will lead others to Christ.
By: Richard Noble

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