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December 9, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ryan Best @ 2:40 pm

This last two years my wife and I have share the responsibility and blessing of teaching the 10 going on 11 year olds. They are a young and energetic group to share the Gospel with.  This year the course subject has been the Old Testament where they have a change to learn about God’s plan of salvation and the creation of the earth.  They are learning how to develop a testimony of the Gospel through the stories and examples of the Old Testament prophets and people.  One of the Old Testament characters that we learned about was Samson where we tried to help the children understand that the Lord blessed Samson with physical strength to accomplish his mission. When Samson kept his covenants and was strong spiritually, he was blessed with this physical strength. They learned the Samson’s strength was not actually in his hair but his hair was a sign of this covenant with the Lord. To demonstrate their commitment to develop spiritual strength so that they could receive blessing from their Father in Heaven as well as an enrichment activity, they all created wigs. (Pictures attached)

As the locks of hair they had to identify and attached a covenant to their wig that they had chosen to keep.  Some of the covenant where: Daily Pray, Reading Scriptures, Sharing testimony, Helping parent, attending church, etc.  They were free to come up with some of their own.  If they never allow those locks to be cut and removed they too would be worth to receive blessing from their Heavenly Father.

We hope that they will carry this lessen along with the others that we have had throughout year with them for the reminder of their life’s.  So that they can feel the love of a kind and caring Father who loves them so much that he send his Son to die for them.

By: Steven J. Stark

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