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March 25, 2015

Youth Mini-Mission Message: Prayer Can Help Anyone

Filed under: feeling alone,Heavenly Father,Holy Ghost,Prayer,trials — admin @ 1:45 am
My name is Anna.  I am 16 years old and I am a Mormon.  

As a teenager I go through many difficulties of finding out who I am and what my purpose is in life and that is why prayer is very important to me.  

I’m not perfect.  I go through a lot of struggles and trials.  Whenever I feel like nobody is there for me, whenever I feel worthless and alone, I pray.  I feel His presence there and that He is watching over me and loves me so much.  He sends me the Holy Ghost when I feel so down and alone.  It helps me feel happy and helps me get through whatever I’m going through.  I don’t think I have ever heard the Holy Ghost actually speak to me.  I know the Holy Ghost is there by feeling a sense of peace. The air is easier to breathe and I feel free and calm.  

Prayer can help anyone.  It doesn’t have to be out loud with you on your knees and folding your arms every single time.  It can be a short little prayer inside your head asking for strength, courage, anything, everything that you want, need, or have difficulties with.  Every single night I pray for everything I need to get through the next day.  Prayer is a true gift from Heavenly Father.  It has helped me get this far in life without falling apart.  I know prayer can help me get through the rest of this very challenging life.  And I know prayer can help every single person in this world.


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