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April 14, 2015

Youth Mini-Mission Message: I Know for Myself

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:19 pm
I  know for myself that the Savior lives.  When I was becoming a deacon, I prayed that I would know if the Savior really lives.  I went on a week-long camp out with the scouts shortly after turning 12.  We went on a 22-mile hike and we got lost and separated.  We ran out of water and we were all very thirsty.  One of my fellow scouts even had heat stroke.  We got lost and it was getting dark.  We said a prayer and right when we said “amen”, I felt a strong feeling of peace and reassurance come over me.  That is when I knew for myself that God the Father lives, as does his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.


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