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March 29, 2015

Youth Mini-Mission Message: Courage

Filed under: courage,family,God,Heavenly Father,Jesus,miracles — admin @ 1:04 am

I have never witnessed a miracle such as those surrounding Lazarus at Jesus’ side. I have never stood in wonder and amazement before God or angels as did Joseph Smith.  But I know through small and simple things great things come to pass.  
I have seen miracles in my life. They may not be big to some, but they mean everything to me.  I’ve seen God place people in my life and in my family’s life.  
My sister unknowingly married a terrible, abusive man.  Her once innocent countenance turned cold and her attitude to her loving family grew distrusting.  Through seven hard years alone my sister endured, until one man reminded her how much her family loved her and regardless of what she had done, they would love her.  
Within that year she came back.  She had the courage to leave, to be in a better place, to come home. 
C.H. 10th Ward youth member (blog post submitted by anonymous)

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