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September 12, 2013

Thanks for all the FUN!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ryan Best @ 2:04 am

I just want to share a few photographs that I have taken over the last couple of years and tell everyone, “Thank You!”  Thanks for the fun times and thank you for the spiritual experiences that we have shared.

I remember stories of prayers as we hiked in the deserts and mountains.  Stories of girls praying for the safe return of their lost sisters, and I remember stories of the boys praying for their sick and dehydrated brothers.  I remember each of the prayers being answered with the safe return of the lost and the return to health and strength of sick friends.

What do you remember from these photos?

Do you remember the great advice given by Chin Wa?
What about the slip and slide at girl’s camp?
Hiking to the hot pots in Spanish Fork Canyon?
Summer camp 2012 at Lake Powell?

We seem to always take the Cookie Monster with us.
And Cookie Monster is on this hike to Pittsburgh Lake in American Fork Canyon.

And from this picture: Gabby, Abby, Becca, and Jennifer (who I like to call Lucy) now all serving full-time missions.  What a difference two short years can make.


Here are a few of my friends hiking the Little Wild Horse Canyon near Goblin Valley.


And the next day a few of us hiked Ding and Dang slot canyons near Goblin Valley


I remember the fun times we have had with the scouts on several winter camps.  I always thought winter camps were supposed to be miserable.  These guys look like they are enjoying this.


Brother Scruggs claims to have seen a young man get washed over this water fall (in Battle Creek Canyon) and survive the fall.  It is a cool story; you should ask him about it.


Remember the 10 mile hike up Battle Creek Canyon and back down Grove Creek Canyon?  Who prayed for the rain?
  Anyone else remember the 10 mile hike in Bell Canyon?  A great hike in another slot canyon near Goblin Valley, of course someone brought the Cookie Monster, chocolate chip, or oatmeal?

How about two adult leaders waiting their turn to climb the walls of the Little Wild Horse slot canyon?


How could anyone forget Summer Camp 2013 near Boulder Mountain, Utah?  This first photo is two hours into a 4 day 50 mile hike.  Everyone is still all smiles.


This is an hour later.  This canyon is called cry baby canyon.  But no tears were shed here from our boys.
This is on our third day near Water Canyon in “The Gulch”.  What a beautiful canyon this is.


On day four, the boys were still going strong, only 15 miles to go to complete the full 50 mile hike.   This photo is at 9:30 in the morning.


This photo is 5:13 pm as the boys just finished the full 50 mile hike.  I remember one young man who was so excited to finish that he sprinted up the last hill.  I was so tired I could barely walk, but he was so excited he ran.  What great young men.
  And one more look.


It just occurred to me that I have not included any cooking pictures.  These boys can cook.
And just in case you think we only go to hot, dry, places in the desert.  Here is a water activity.  Does anyone remember the huge rain storm that happened just minutes after we left the lake? That was definitely an answer to my prayers to have us safely off the lake before the storm. 
Thank you, again, for the fun times and great memories.  Thanks to our Heavenly Father who has blessed us with safety.  I will always remember the prayers that have been answered as we have shared these experiences.  I encourage all of us to remember the love that our Father in Heaven has for us, and the gift of the Atoning Sacrifice made by our Redeemer Jesus Christ.
Daniel Burr

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