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March 16, 2015

Sealed for Time and for All Eternity

As proud grandparents we watch with great interest and many prayers how our 18 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren are growing, developing and dealing with life’s challenges.  As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we can see this has a great influence in helping our loved ones to know who they are, as children of their Heavenly Father, and to see them develop a caring, honest, energetic approach to life.
Six of our grandchildren are married, working at good jobs and/or pursuing a college education and other worthy goals.  As an authorized official in our church, I have had the privilege of performing a licensed marriage in one of our temples for four of my grandchildren.  It is such a wonderful blessing to feel the assurance that when these marriages are performed under the priesthood authority received from God, these marriages will last into eternity if the couple honors their covenants.
The most recent marriage I performed was for my grandson Steven and his sweet bride Kelsea in the beautiful Idaho Falls Temple situated on the banks of the Snake River.  It was a wonderful feeling to look into the faces of these young people to see the hope, joy, trust and commitment they have to each other and to their marriage covenant.

Life brings its challenges and surprises to all of us but with the sacred, solid start of an eternal marriage and with help from our Heavenly Father, a faithful couple can learn, grow and surmount those challenges and have the joy of a satisfying and enjoyable life together.  We can see these joys of life as we follow the lives of our children and grandchildren.

Roger Fuller

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