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November 14, 2013

Missionary with a great companion

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ryan Best @ 11:53 pm
A few years ago I was seated by a gentleman in a flight from Salt Lake City to Dallas.  As is often the case it didn’t take long before we were engaged in conversation.  After some casual talk I learned that he was a Scientologist, and he learned that I was a Mormon.  Before long we were talking about our beliefs.  Questions were forthcoming from each of us.  Much to my satisfaction I had in my briefcase, under my seat, a copy of the most recent General Conference edition of the Ensign.  I pulled it out and used it as a basis for our discussions about Mormonism.  It was an extraordinary visual aid.  I wrote internet addresses and phone numbers on the reverse side of the magazine.  I also provided information as to how I could be contacted, along with my invitation to do so.    I was also able to get his contact information. 
Being familiar with some of the talks, and by looking at the photos it was possible to draw his attention to topics specific to questions he had,  In addition, using the Ensign as a reference, and as a visual aid, it was possible to introduce topics and easily talk about many different things, including such things as:
  •          Families
  •          Temples
  •          The worldwide nature of the church
  •          The growth of the church.
  •          The Choir
  •          Priesthood authority and revelation
  •          The leadership and organization of the church (The Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve, the      Seventy)
  •         Who the prophet is, and how he is called
  •          Jesus Christ and the Atonement
  •         Missionary work
  •          Priesthood, the Relief Society, and the other auxiliaries
  •          Our beliefs as shown in the Conference Topics index
By: John Cragun

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