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September 11, 2014

Mormon Sunday School

Filed under: Sunday school — admin @ 2:34 am

Does The Lord answer our questions?

 A while ago, I received an invitation on Facebook to attend the Mission farewell of a friend who had previously stated that he wasn’t going to serve a mission. I was surprised, but I decided to attend anyway. During his talk, he revealed that he hadn’t intended to serve a mission. He spoke about his experience at a summer youth program called “Especially for Youth” where they had an activity where they were to open their scriptures with a question in mind, and see if it was answered. He said that he was reluctant to do so, but eventually gave in and opened up his scriptures and began reading. He became frustrated when it seemed like he wasn’t getting an answer. He continued to try to find an answer when a counselor from the program approached him and said, “I don’t know why I feel the need to tell you this, but your Heavenly Father loves you.” He became emotional and told the congregation that this was the answer to his question. It hadn’t been answered in the way he was expecting, but it had been answered!
The Lord loves each and every one of us and knows how each of us need to be reached. Call on The Lord in faith with a question in heart, and he WILL answer you. It may not be in the way that you’d expect, it may not be when you expect it: but it will be answered. I’ve seen it in my own life as well as the lives of my friends.
-Tim Kay Jr.
18 years old

I have a testimony of the reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

I have a testimony of the reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that He is my Savior and that when I do as He asks, He blesses my life. Daily scripture study, one of His commandments, has especially affected my life on a daily basis. I notice that when I don’t do the simple commandments like reading my scriptures, I don’t have as good of a day. We are commanded to study the words of God daily and we are blessed when we do.
During the summer, I had the opportunity to attend a boys summer camp in Wyoming. During that camp, we all received a medallion with the scripture Ephesians 6:10-18 engraved on it. In that scripture we are challenged to put on the armor of God. Our leaders challenged us to “Armor Up,” by reading our scriptures daily. I felt the Spirit so strongly when I received my medallion and I have rarely missed a day since. I love my scriptures because they help to bring the Spirit into my life.

–   Kai Johnson   –
17 years old

Joseph Smith

The man who started this church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is a man who gave his life for the welfare of this church, and the good people who followed him.  A great human being who gave his life for the ability to have his church survive.  No man who did not know that God even existed would give his life to just to create a church based on false visions, though he was persecuted he persevered.  “I know what I have seen and though others do not believe and persecute me for what I say this does not change what I know I saw in the grove.”  This man, a man of God, knew and did not falter but pushed through the hatred with the love of God.
17 years old

The Book of Mormon

I know the Book of Mormon is the true word of God, and God answers our prayers through the Book of Mormon.  If you have any doubts read your Book of Mormon, pray about it. Heavenly Father is watching over us.  He answers our prayers and while answers may not come immediately or appear to us that he agrees with us, Heavenly Father knows what is best for us.
17 years old

Do Miracles Exist Today?

        I would answer that question with a definite “yes”!  I have been blessed in my life to be the recipient of miracles, especially in relation to my health and the desire to have children.

        When Darren and I were first married, we wanted a large family and were soon blessed with twin boys.  A couple of years later, we had a beautiful baby girl.  We were thrilled with our family and grateful to have 3 wonderful children.  A month after the birth of our daughter, I was diagnosed with cancer.  I underwent surgery and two months of radiation therapy and was able to be in remission later that year.  The doctors advised me not to have any more children, since the cancer had developed during the pregnancy of our daughter.  I was devastated, since I did not feel like our family was complete.

        My husband and I took the advice of my doctors and focused on our family and regaining my health.  After a few years, Darren and I prayed about having another child and felt it was the direction we should take, and I soon became pregnant.  During the third trimester of the pregnancy, I became very ill.  I had a fever, chills and was unable to keep anything down.  After a couple of days, I became worse and was taken to the Emergency Room.  While there, I was treated for dehydration and blood was drawn to help determine what had caused the illness.  The doctors were unable to figure out what caused the sickness, but the lab work revealed that I had a blood disease called ITP and that at that point my platelets were at extremely low. The next morning after leaving the ER, I started on an IV treatment to increase my platelet count.  A month later, I was able to give birth to a healthy baby boy.  In fact, he is currently serving a mission for our Church in Argentina.  It was a miracle that I was diagnosed at that time, because the doctor had said that if I had gone into labor, there is a chance that they would not have been able to save either myself or our baby.  I witnessed the hand of The Lord in my life that day in the ER and am so grateful for the blessings I have received.  After that we were able to add two more boys to our family and after the birth of our sixth child, I felt like our family was complete.  I have a strong testimony of miracles and I know that our Father in Heaven loves us and blesses in many ways each day.

Submitted by Diane Scruggs
Mom/Wife/Sunday School Teacher

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