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April 8, 2015

Youth Mini-Mission Message: Mission Ready

Filed under: mission,missionary,testimony — admin @ 1:35 am

My ward is doing mini-missions.  I think it’s really cool that we’re doing this because it’s preparing me for my real mission.  Sleeping over and talking with my companion about the lesson and preparing it is just like preparing to teach non-members.  I’m really feeling the spirit throughout this mini mission.  

I’d like to bear my testimony. I know the church is true and that Joseph Smith was a real prophet who restored  the church to the earth.  I know the importance of serving a mission and that it will help other people in their lives and the lives to come in heaven.  I know that the words of God are spoken through the prophet and that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost love everyone one on earth.  I say this in the name of Jesus Christ.

C.H. 10th Ward youth member (blog post submitted by anonymous)

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