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April 5, 2015

Easter: Receiving Forgiveness As We Forgive

About a week ago I had a lapse of self control and I did something irresponsible. The result was that I physically hurt a friend and let down 2 others. I was deeply disturbed by what I had done, and by how easily the frustration came that precipitated the incident. I was sad that the hobby we were engaged in seemed like it would never be enjoyable again. I felt guilt that I had ruined a trip for others.

But as my feelings subside, I start to appreciate what miracles we saw and I see now. Millimeters variance could have made the injury devastating and permanent. It does not look like it will be. We obtained specialist medical help after working hours, against all reasonable expectation. Prayer and priesthood administration even reduced the severity of the injury from the time it was sustained to when we got first treatment.

What has most pressed on my feelings is how the people involved responded. Forgiveness was extended, and brotherly concern for both the injured and myself. As we think about Easter and what Jesus Christ did for us, I invite you to think about this: His atonement is not only abundant in tender mercies, but can be expressed through people who are willing to follow a Christlike pattern.

Mark R.

April 2, 2015

My Perfect Example

Filed under: Atonement,Easter,Jesus Christ,Savior — admin @ 3:07 am

I know that because He lives and is here with me, I have been able to survive and stay happy in my trial filled adult life. I love my Savior and I am so thankful for His beautiful gift of the atonement. Not only for my sins but for my hurts, my sorrows, my sicknesses, and my agonies. He is my perfect example. I’m just trying to be like Jesus. It’s all good BECAUSE HE LIVES!

Melanie Clark

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