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March 30, 2014

Book of Mormon Reading Challenge

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:44 pm

Here is a new Read the Book of Mormon Challenge coming up, starting April 7th (right after Conference).
The object is to read the Book of Mormon in the same amount of time as it took Joseph Smith to Translate it. . . ! Check out his stuff, and his cool Reading Schedule Bookmarks.

More from the creator of this challenge:
Hi! My name is Russ Simon. My “online personality” is Bro Simon Says (
On April 7, 2014 I will be starting a new round of The Book of Mormon Translation Challenge ( The challenge is to read the entire Book of Mormon in the same amount of time that it took Joseph Smith to translate it (April 7-June 30).
I have been doing the challenge myself each year, and inviting others to participate, since I found out how quickly Joseph finished the translation a few years ago. Last year I decided to begin a blog, FB page (, and a FB group ( to invite and encourage people to accept and complete the challenge.
It was a lot of fun and quite a few people tried it.

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