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July 28, 2014

Filed under: Power of prayer,Pray,Prayer — Ryan Best @ 1:00 pm

                 When Christ was in the Garden of Gethsemane He looked to the Father for strength and energy so He could overcome with Love one of the most important events in the Plan of Salvation. The way He spoke to the Father was in the action of prayer. He, like us at times of our lives, needed strength beyond His own. Prayer is the way we communicate to our Loving Heavenly Father. Prayer for me gives me the ability to reach for Him and plead to Him, through my faith, for the ability to overcome what ever this life may bring. We face weakness, temptation, struggles, and life can become very busy. When this is the case we lose sight of how to get through it and how we can become better because of it.

                 While on a LDS Mission, missionaries pray and pray and pray some more. One day I asked myself, “Why do I wake up and roll off the bed and pray then poor a bowl of cereal to find myself praying again? Then an hour later pray before my studies, then pray as a companionship, and open and close our studies with a prayer?” I then thought of the quality of life a missionary and the faithfulness to go forward throughout the day feeling satisfaction no matter what happens and I knew it was because of prayer.

                When we revert back to the basic principles of starting our day off with prayer we are blessed. Prayer should be the beginning and end of everything we do. Day and night we should pray and thank our Father for our life which includes our blessings, and our trials because without gratitude in our prayers we never see the lesson we are to learn. I know prayer is a true principle. I know it’s what is to be done to speak to our Father. Kneeling prayers show reverence and praise. I know Heavenly Father is mindful of us but wants to know we are mindful of Him. I love The Gospel and the truthfulness of it. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ I bear my testimony of prayer. Amen.

 -Dylan Bushaw

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